Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why Catholic? One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic

"I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church." Most of us say this phrase every Sunday as we pray the ancient Christian Creed. But what exactly are we saying? What does one, holy, catholic, and apostolic really mean? What is the Church? Did Jesus Christ establish an institutional Church? If so, for what purpose? How did Christ establish the Church? When the Church speaks, why should I listen? Do I have to accept all that the Church teaches, or am I free to pick and choose what appeals to me? Jason M. Vaughan, MA, Director of Religious Education at Stella Maris Catholic Church will be addressing this topic one week from tonight. We welcome Jason and the entire RCIA class from Stella Maris for an exciting night of theology, good company, and your favorite finger foods! Feel free to come early as the chapel and bookstore will be open for your spiritual and intellectual pleasure. Why Catholic? Social and Lecture Series "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church" Jason M Vaughan, MA Wednesday, October 28, 7:00pm - 8:45pm Pauline Books & Media, 243 King Street (use back door)