Thursday, August 26, 2010

Interview: Meet Justin Gaeta

Our Young Adult Group is made up of several exceptional people. Justin Gaeta is definitely one of them. He's full of God's joy and he engages life every day. On the heels of a very long stay in India, Justin has many stories to tell. If you see him around say hello and ask him about his experience there. How old are you? 22 Where are you from originally? Isle Of Palms Where did you attend college and what did you study? College Of Charleston, Business Administration What do you do for work? Director of Campus Ministry, Bishop England High School What do you do for fun and recreation? Beach, ultimate frisbee, surfing, boating, sailing Favorite books? Favorite authors? Shantaram, Kite Runner, Michael Crichton, Peter Kreeft Favorite Movie? Life Aquatic cracks me up every time I watch it. What has your journey of faith been like? Throughout most of high school, I would look for the easiest ways to get instant gratification. I went looking for this in alcohol, women, and drugs, but was left unsatisfied. So the next weekend I would go harder, more drinking, more drugs, see if that works. It didn't, and I was left questioning myself, who I was, what was I meant for. I really started searching for and developing my own faith when I was a senior in high school. It was a hard year for me with rejection from friends and feeling unsure about where I fit in. I really came into my own faith in college and found some really great friends who supported my spiritually. I have always been Catholic, but it wasn't until about my Sophomore year that I started diving deeper in my Catholic roots. There have been many speed bumps along my road of faith, and there will certainly be more ahead, but I strive each day to be more like Christ. Who is your Patron Saint? Saint Michael the Archangel. Whenever I am temped by the devil I ask for Saint Michael to defend me, and he always comes through. What's your favorite thing about being Catholic? The depth of the Faith in the Catholic Church, and the universality of the Church. We are everywhere! What do you enjoy about the young adult group? I love to see people my age embracing the Faith and the Catholic Church as I do. The Why Catholic? lectures are great as I get to learn new things and dive deeper in the spiritual world.