Friday, April 02, 2010

The Jewish Roots of Catholicism

Our Catholic faith did not come about newly invented in the first century. When Jesus Christ established his Church it was built on the fulfillment and foundations of Judaism. As a result of this, much of our Catholic life and ritual is actually older than Christianity itself. Catholic cathedrals often incorporated features of the Jewish Temple. Catholic priestly vestments have their origins in the vestments of the Old Covenant priests. Catholic priesthood perfects and completes the threefold orders of High Priest, Priest, and Levite of the Old Covenant. The Old Testament Passover ritual is a foreshadowing of the Catholic Mass. The Catholic Church understands the Holy Eucharist of Jesus Christ as the “source and summit” of Christian life and holiness, which is intimately related to how the Israelites were sustained by God’s provision of “bread from heaven”–manna. Explore these and many other Catholic-Jewish threads at this new website published by Taylor Marshal, a former Anglican (Episcopalian) priest turned Catholic convert. Taylor has also recently written the book, The Crucified Rabbi: Judaism and the Origins of Catholic Christianity. Complete with articles, audio, and video there's much to discover!